Discover Albania
like a local
Discover Albania
Like a Local
Tailor-made, private, and (multi)day adventures
We offer special interest tours throughout all of Albania. Get your inspiration from our tours or inquire directly here.

Multi-day Tours
Immerse yourself in Albanian culture as you explore the country with a friendly local by your side.
We have a wide selection of example tours for history buffs, hiking fanatics, naturalists, bird watchers, and much more!
Do you have a special interest that isn't listed between our example tours? Contact us, and we will make a tailor-made tour just for you!

Day Tours
For shorter expeditions, you can look at a possible day tour to one of Albania's UNESCO Heritage Sites or cities.
If you arrive at the port in Durres or Tirana Airport, you can look at a day excursion to our capital, Tirana, or explore the city of Durres itself.
In the south, explore the magical site Butrint National Park, which is where we specialize in, the beautiful UNESCO city of Gjirokastra, just an hour's drive away from Saranda, the port of the South.
Want to combine a couple of our day trips? That's also possible! Inquire here.
OUr Own Expeditions može pratiti svoje korijene unatrag 25 godina. Mi smo butik turistički operater koji nudi raznolika, visokokvalitetna i personalizirana iskustva putovanja koja su ukorijenjena u nepokolebljiva načela geoturizma.
Strastveno želimo podijeliti kulturu, povijest, hranu, vino, umjetnost, glazbu i prirodna čuda Albanije s onim što zovemo "putnik koji razmišlja". Čvrsto vjerujemo da su tipovi ljudi koji žele posjetiti i istražiti Albaniju po prirodi znatiželjni, pustolovni, željni znanja i cijenitelji ljepote, kvalitete i iskustava koja mijenjaju život.
Bilo da ste povijesni entuzijast, istraživač željan avanture ili netko tko želi otkriti jedinstvenu kulturu ovih zemalja, možemo vam pomoći stvoriti trenutke koji će zauvijek ostati s vama.
Naš etos usredotočen je na našu stalnu predanost očuvanju povijesti, autentičnosti i održivosti. Ponosni smo što možemo s vama podijeliti naše ručno izrađene VIP ture. Naše obećanje vama je osigurati da vaše putovanje bude vaše vlastito iskustvo, vaša vlastita ekspedicija.
Responsible tourism
Our ethos centers around our ongoing commitment to the preservation of history, authenticity, and sustainability. We are proud to share with you our handcrafted VIP tours. Our promise to you is to ensure that your journey is your own experience, your own expedition.
Authentic, diverse tours
Whether you are a historical enthusiast, an explorer with a thirst for adventure, or someone looking to discover the unique culture of these lands, we can help you create moments that will stay with you forever.